‘Change Skill’ is a registered trading name belonging to Philip Brown, the Chief Instructor of this School (or Director of the ‘company’). The name reflects the nature of Tai Chi Chuan, but also something we might describe as a personal philosophy: the biggest stress in life is Change – so learning how to deal with it is a critical life skill. The martial art is aligned with that – attacks and counters vary, and so we need to deal with constant change, in life as in fighting.

To that end, Phil has always had a huge interest in Martial Arts, Psychology, Religion, Relaxation, Health, Sports and sports science … and is even a certified NLP practitioner.

To contact Change Skill school of Practical Tai Chi Chuan, please use the info in the footer of the pages on this site. Email is usually better than the phone for direct questions.

info@changeskill.com     0458 980 289